
İUE-FoM was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2014/6728, published in the Official Gazette dated 08.26.2014 and numbered 29100.  Regarding student recruitment; Preparations regarding faculty member appointments, laboratory structuring and other Higher Education Council (YÖK) criteria have been completed and the prepared application file has been submitted to the YÖK presidency. After the audit conducted by YÖK on 03.31.2017; With the letter of YÖK Department of Education dated 05.03.2017 and numbered 75850160-310.01.02-30398, student recruitment to IUE-FoM was approved at the YÖK General Assembly meeting dated 04.20.2017.

Faculty of Medicine started education on 09.18.2017 with 60 (sixty) students in the 2017-2018 academic year. The affiliation protocol with Izmir MedicalPark (Izmir MedicalPoint) Hospital for the clinical training of students was signed on 06.11.2020 and approved by YÖK. The faculty had its first graduates on 08.15.2023. 
Important dates and events in the establishment of IUE FoM are summarized in Table 1.1.1.
Table 1.1.1. IUE FoM Important dates and events





Establishment of Faculty of Medicine

The decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2014/6728, published in the Official Gazette dated 08.26.2014 and numbered 29100


Dean's appointment
After Prof. Çağ Çal's departure, who was the founder of the schools in the field of health, Prof. Y. Hakan Abacıoğlu started to work as the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Health Sciences.



Presenting the Strategic Plan to senior management


The strategic plan, which consists of 7 strategic objectives, 27 strategic goals and 130 projects, prepared with the participation of Prof. İlgi Şemin (Director of VSHS), Prof. Gülem Atabay (Head of Health Management Department), Prof. Filiz Öğce (Head of Nursing Department), Tuncer Özenbaş (General Coordinator).



Inauguration of founding faculty members




Formation of working groups


Working groups (WG) were formed in line with the objectives stated in the Strategic Plan.
Objectives 1 and 2: Medical Education Program WG, e-Medicine WG, Clinical Skills WG, Operations WG
Objectives 3,4 and 5: Hospital workflows and architecture WG, Software WG
Objective 6: Research WG and Health Sciences Institute (SABE) WG



Establishment of Health Sciences Institute (SABE)


In this context, graduate programs in Healthcare Institutions Management, Reproductive Biology and Quality in Health and Patient Safety were established.



Publication of the Health Application and Research Center (SUAM) Regulation


SUAM Regulation entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 21.02.2017 and numbered 29986. University hospitals are called SUAM in accordance with the YÖK legislation and must create regulations accordingly.



Delivery of educational laboratories


Necessary studies have been carried out for the structuring within the framework of the criteria specified in the decision of the YÖK General Assembly dated 14.05.2015 and numbered 2015.8.262 regarding the recruitment of students to medical faculties. In this context, a total of 1134 m2 laboratory space was allocated and Anatomy, Wet Laboratory (for Medical Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology practicles), Clinical Skills and Simulation Laboratory, Microscopy Laboratory (for Histology and Pathology practicles) and Dry Laboratory (for Physiology and Pharmacology practicles) was established.



YÖK audit application


YÖK carries out on-site inspections to allow student admission to medical faculties. The file prepared for this purpose was sent to YÖK on 02.03.2017.



YÖK audit 


A delegation of 3 people appointed by YÖK visited the University, observed the educational areas of the Faculty of Medicine and received information from the Dean and Faculty Members about the educational structure and practices.



First students start their education


Faculty of Medicine students started their education following the White Coat and Medical Oath ceremony



Publication of IUE-FoM Education and Training Regulation


IUE-FoM Education and Training Regulation came into force after being published in the Official Gazette dated 09.10.2017 and numbered 30305.



Affiliation protocol between IUE and MedicalPark Izmir Hospital




Education cooperation protocol between IUE and Ege University




Education cooperation protocol between IUE and Dokuz Eylül University




Research and education cooperation protocol between IUE and EMOT




Graduation of our first students






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