Corporate Goals

Educational Objectives:


To enhance the quality of our faculty’s undergraduate education program, the following goals are set:


  • Training future competent physicians who are equipped with medical knowledge, professional skills, and ethical values; who are lifelong learners and researchers; who prioritize, prevent, and address major health issues in society; who contribute to improving health; and who are conscious of planetary health.
  • Obtaining stakeholder opinions on decisions related to education and sharing developments in accordance with the principle of social reliability.
  • Ensuring student representation in educational management to actively involve their contributions in accordance with student-centered education principles.
  • Systematically evaluating the education program through program assessment activities and implementing improvements and updates.
  • Assessing students' achievements with formative and summative, objective, valid, and reliable exams that support learning.
  • Supporting the academic staff's educational and professional development through educator development programs and continuous professional development activities.
  • Developing educational manpower, infrastructure, and equipment.
  • Equipping students and faculty with skills to develop and use information technology tools.
  • Developing national and international collaborations in the field of education.
  • Ensuring that educational committees work in accordance with guidelines and maintain coordination




Research Objectives:

To improve the research infrastructure and quality of our faculty, the following goals are set:

  • Improving the infrastructure and resources available for scientific research.
  • Providing training in scientific research methodologies and project resources for the academic staff.
  • Enhancing the quality, number, and impact of scientific research on society.
  • Increasing the number of studies involving multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and international participation.
  • Expanding opportunities for students to receive research education and gain research experience.



Service Objectives:


To enhance the quality of healthcare delivery and its contributions to pre-graduate and post-graduate medical education programs and the community, the following goals are set:

  • Ensuring that contributing to the community and improving health levels is a priority in healthcare delivery
  • Providing health education and counseling services to the community
  • Ensuring adherence to teamwork, communication, and ethical principles, as well as patient and physician rights in healthcare delivery
  • Ensuring the rights and responsibilities of healthcare workers
  • Maintaining healthcare delivery in a manner that supports the medical education program
  • Ensuring the continuity of the quality assurance system in healthcare delivery






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