Program Outcomes


C1. Healthcare Provider


Knowledge of medical practices: Utilizes knowledge from basic and clinical medical sciences, epidemiology, biostatistics, biomedical informatics, and social and behavioral sciences to prevent, diagnose, treat, and manage medical problems.


Competence in professional skills: Competence in Professional Skills: Possesses the basic medical skills and attitude necessary for practicing the profession, understands personal limits, evaluates own performance, identifies areas needing improvement, and implements these improvements within a plan.


Patient Management: Provides patient-centered, holistic, safe, reliable, fair, and evidence-based healthcare services, prioritizing the protection and promotion of health, especially for the primary health issues in the community. Seeks support from other healthcare professionals and institutions when necessary, following the referral chain.


Patient and Employee Safety: Delivers healthcare services with consideration for the health and safety of both patients and healthcare workers throughout diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation processes.


Planetary Health and Healthy Lifestyles: Considers the impact of the planet's resources on individual and community health in professional practices. Takes it as a duty to inform the public, promote healthy lifestyles, and eliminate factors that negatively affect health.

C2. Demonstrating Scientific and Analytical Approach


Information Management and Research: Explains the role and importance of scientific research and evidence in delivering high-quality and safe healthcare services. Analyzes health issues in the community using scientific methods. Utilizes information generated through research and accessed from accurate, reliable sources, by appropriately using information technologies, in evidence-based patient management processes.

C3. Adopting Professional Ethics and Professional Principles


Adherence to Ethical Principles: Fulfills duties and responsibilities within the framework of ethical principles, rights, and legal obligations required by the profession, considering good medical practices and deontology principles. Recognizes ethical dilemmas and can analyze and make decisions accordingly


Professional Virtues: Avoids behaviors that could undermine public trust in the medical profession. Approaches patients with compassion, care, and empathy without discrimination, prioritizing their well-being over personal interests. Ensures the confidentiality and privacy of patient information.

C4. Health Advocate


Health Policies and Advocacy: Assesses the impact of health policies on the health indicators of individuals and communities. Advocates for the development of healthcare services in line with social reliability and responsibilities.


Protecting and Promoting Health as a Social Responsibility: Accepts the protection and promotion of community health as a social responsibility, identifies priority health issues in the community served, develops solutions, and provides health education and counseling services.


Protecting and Promoting Health in Extraordinary Situations: Prioritizes the protection and promotion of individual and community health during extraordinary situations. Performs clinical and public health practices in a comprehensive and competent manner.


Healthy Physician - Healthy Community: Pays attention to personal health, hygiene, safety, and appearance. Explains and implements measures for maintaining health, strategies for coping with stress, and preventing burnout to maintain a healthy life. Sets an example for colleagues and the community through personal practices.

C5. Leader, Manager, Team Member


Change Management and Leadership: Systematically identifies issues and processes requiring change to provide high-quality, safe, and cost-effective healthcare services, along with the necessary resources. Acquires the skills to lead these changes effectively.


Teamwork: Establishes positive communication with healthcare professionals and other occupational groups. Demonstrates effective feedback practices, adopts a supportive approach, understands and fulfills personal rights, duties, and responsibilities in a timely and appropriate manner, and takes on different team roles as needed.

C6. Communicator


Communication Skills: Effectively uses written, verbal, and non-verbal communication.


Communication for Qualified and Safe Healthcare: Engages with patients, their families, healthcare professionals, other occupational groups, institutions, and organizations to minimize patient safety risks, enhance the quality of healthcare, in clear, understandable, and professionally appropriate communication while involving patients in decision-making processes, and considering potential differences and needs while providing necessary information.

C7. Lifelong Learner


Lifelong Learning: Uses self-assessment approaches to evaluate professional performance, identifies areas needing improvement, determines learning needs, and organizes personal learning processes to enhance professional knowledge and skills.






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